I'm a married mother of "3 1/2" ;) and the loves of my life are my faith and my family. I've grown in my faith over the last two years since my daughter's adoption, she is the reason why I started this blog in the first place, and I'm so looking forward to watching God move in my heart, and the hearts of others who follow along on our journey towards bringing home one of "the least of these". Special needs adoption is my mission field, whether I'm adopting a child myself, or helping other families get funded, or shouting for waiting children who need families to find them, and I hope you'll come along for the ride and watch what God can accomplish when we say yes to His command to care for the orphan, and go out into the world to be His hands and feet.

Apparent Project Fundraiser

Apparent Project Fundraiser

Hello :)

Hello :)

My Better Half

My Better Half

The Crew

The Crew

The New Guy

The New Guy

Before Adoption

Before Adoption

Two Years After Adoption

Two Years After Adoption

Sunday, June 10, 2012

An Auction for Kenzi

Hey everyone!!! Long time, no blog! lol...I just wanted to pop on for a sec and let everyone know what's going on in our little world. :) We are plugging away, getting things ready for court. We don't exactly know WHAT we need to do other than obtaining visas and getting our psych exam done, so we've been pretty focused on putting together money! We're having a yard sale on June 29th-June 30th to raise money for our gotcha trip to pick up sweet pea! We had 3 VAN loads of donations dropped off and my dining room is completely overtaken! I'm so grateful though!  I'm still making hairbows and using all that money for the adoption, so that's fun! But the BIG thing we have going on right now is an auction that my sweet friend Christina is hosting for us. I'm soooo appreciative of everything this wonderful lady does, not only for our family but for EVERY family. It's absolutely amazing how big her heart is, and I'm so proud to call her my friend. <3 Love you girl!!!

Here is a link to the auction, please check it out! Lots of cool stuff and lots more going up soon! 


Sweet dreams friends. <3

(speaking of sweet dreams...here are a couple pics of what princess looks like after 3 hours of rough housing with mama and papa)

 and 5 minutes later....
soooo blessed that our sweet pea is in a loving orphanage that didn't mind for Kenzi to snuggle up and take a snooze on her Mama for a bit. <3


  1. So. Many. Cute. Pictures of Kenzi!! Illegal pics!! Still adorable!! But you might wanna check out this blog that details how allegedly an ex-RR family (the Higbies) was denied a referral by Russia due to illegal pics!!


  2. Kenzi is so incredibly beautiful! And see, how even in her sleep she holds on to your hand, and doesn't let go?

