Saturday, December 21, 2013

Learning to adapt

It will not come as a shock to anyone who knows me "in real life" that I have a hard time dealing with squalor. Unfortunately, life with three kids is a pretty squalor filled experience and I would be lying if I didn't say I positively come unglued from time to time. I read blogs filled win pictures of beautifully decorated homes that are spotless and I do these people have children...and pets! Ive finally decided that one of my New Years resolutions is to just calm down already about the messes the kids make and comparing my life to that of people who blog for a living. One day I'll have nice things, but until I can be giving a shred of security that none of my children will pee, poop, throw up, dump sippy cups, smash cheerios, etc all over my furniture/floors/house in general...I'm not investing in a single upgrade that isn't attached to the house itself. Paint, carpet replacement, etc...yes. Furniture? No way. I think I will lower my stress level considerably knowing that everything I own is kid friendly, and while they're growing up a bit I plan on saving my pennies, because when the time comes where I can buy nice things with confidence, I plan on going on a serious shopping spree! (Just don't tell my hubby...) 

I'll leave with some photos I took 3 minutes before starting this post. My plan was to clean my living room, their plan was to dump bins of toys everywhere. *sigh* 

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