Monday, September 15, 2014


Since I've completely blown up Facebook with posts and links to this adoption auction I'm hosting, I figured I would post a little bit about it here. A little background infomation: adoption is costly. Rarely do people have the ability to fund an adoption from their bank account alone, and I've noticed (more so with special needs adoption) that it takes a lot to get potential adoptive parents to answer the call and say yes, and that's mostly because of the cost, and knowing the potential cost of medical care for a child with special needs once they're home. Many foreign countries require a pretty steep "deposit" to officially match you with a child, then there is the homestudy fee, USCIS fee, cost of ordering marriage/birth certificates, notary, certification of the notary, apostilles, short, it adds up fast, and most families need about $5,000 in order to get the ball rolling, not everyone has that, so that's where things like this auction come in. Every little bit helps relieve the financial mess that is adoption. Please browse the auction, if you see something you love, don't hesitate to bid, and please share the page with your friends and family!!! I can't wait to reveal which child is finally getting a family! 

Here's the link!

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