Saturday, September 29, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane...

Guess who's going to Russia in about 2 weeks?! Meeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm so excited to get back to my sweet girl, and SO stressed out over all the paperwork and stuff I need to do before we go! Usually people get a bit more of a heads up than we have to be prepared with our Embassy stuff just in case they end up waiving the 3rd trip. Eeek!!

So, I've been gathering paperwork, making lists, running errands, and getting nice a prepared for this journey back to our girl. We've run into couple hiccups financially, the main one being the fact that our plane tickets are $700 more than we budgeted for...each...because we have to be able to change them if the judge waived our 3rd, if the trip is waived then it won't matter that these tickets were more expensive because we'll be saving money on the back end by not going back to Russia a 3rd time...BUT if the judge doesn't waive the trip...I will have completely blown my budget. Yikes!

But on to the fun stuff!!! I picked up some of our gifts for the facilitator, translator, etc while we're in country

I found these cute little hand sanitizers with clips at Walmart, and got them for the orphanage workers. They smell sooo good!

Target had super cute gift bags in the dollar spot, 2 giftbags for a buck! Whoo hoo!

Who doesn't love chocolate? 

I also have Victoria's Secret body lotion and body spray sets, and some Starbuck's goodies thanks to my cousin giving up her gift card she got for her birthday to help offset our gift costs. <3

All of our orphanage donations came from a church in Kentucky who heard about us, and Kenzi, and the plight of these sweet orphans, and they decided to do something to help. It means so much to us that they wanted to be part of Kenzi's story, and that they wanted to do something to help. I'll have pics of all their donations soon!

I did an entire post about what we were packing for Kenzi, in case she comes home, and there were a few things I still needed to get, so here they are!

You wouldn't guess that this is my 3rd round of mommyhood because I feel, and act, completely clueless. I know I over did it with buying stuff but I'm seriously freaked out that I'm missing something! Here we have some diapers, wipes, powdered formula packs, powdered pedialyte packets, yogurt, baby food, juice, and pediasure.

4 bibs, because I think Miss Thang is going to be a messy eater...a couple pacifiers, rash cream, drop-ins, another bottle, and balm for chapped lips and cheeks.

I was too lazy to go take a picture, but this is Kenzi's coat!

Tomorrow I'm going to try and get my house put together...we'll see how that goes! I have more work to do in Kenzi's room! It will be a nice break from paperchasing. 

I'll update with more news as it comes!!

1 comment:

  1. Here's my tidbit of advice. Get some 2 gallon ziplock bags and take them empty. They won't take any room to pack. They are so nice for smelly diapers and for those blow out diapers all over the clothes. Especially when you are traveling from place to place. And lots and lots of wipes! I don't mind cleaning up the poop, I just don't want to smell it for the next five hours!
