Monday, September 24, 2012

What's in Kenzi's Bag?

I've seen a lot of "what's in my bag" blog posts, or youtube videos...and it seems funny that we're all so curious about what other people carry around with I wanted to do a "What's in my bag" for Kenzi!

A little background...we're in 3rd trip limbo. We were told to expect a 3rd trip, because there is a very, very good chance that the judge will say no when it comes to having it waived. We also learned that we won't know until after our court hearing if it's been waived or not...which means we have to be prepared either way! So, just in case we get lucky and escape the 3rd trip...I've packed a bag for Kenzi. I know, I's a bit early but I couldn't help myself! So, here it is!

We're using drop-in, so we're only bringing 2 bottles, 1 box of drop-ins, 1 bowl, and  2 spoons

2 Hats, and 2 bows that attach to the hats! The bow on the left was bought from Beth Cole, who makes the cutest bows ever, and the proceeds when to helping the Willis girls come home!

These are some of the toys we're bringing for Kenzi. She loves dolls so that one was a given, that block was her  favorite thing that we brought (aside from our iphones!) so it's coming back for round 2. We think she liked it because it the little taggy toy below it crinkles too...we won that in an auction...can't remember which one! The taggie blanket on the left was made with love by Auntie Karly...she loved it on the first trip so it's going back again too! I'm not bringing any light up toys because honestly, she wasn't interested in them...she wanted our phones! So we'll let her play with the phones and the Kindle Fire. :)

This is some of the food we'll be taking for Miss Kenzi....seconds after this pic was taken her brother Jack grabbed the cookie monster pouch and took :) We're also going to bring pediasure, Enfagrow powdered toddler formula, and bottled water.

I'm seriously nervous about bath time...I've heard horror stories! But, we're prepared! These adorable  washcloths are handmade from Sylvia and Brenda. <3 We also have a rubber ducky that escaped the photo session somehow.

2 burpcloths handmade by my sweet friend Marj

A GORGEOUS quilt made by Marj! I can't wait to cuddle up with my sweet girl and this blankie!

Diaper bag and travel changing pad...I'll also be bringing a pack of wipes, and I don't know if I should bring diapers or buy them in country...what do you think?

2 pairs of Pjs...

1 pair of Converse shoes, and 1 pair of boots...I have no clue what size shoe she wears so this is a bit of a gamble! 

3 pairs of socks

One clippie. Just one. Because a mama can hope that her girl has grown enough hair to use this. LOL

3 onesies

One pair of jeans, and 2 long sleeve shirts

a VERY warm, adorable hoodie that I won in the Quinn Family auction! I'll still bring a coat just in case, but I haven't bought it yet.

I love this outfit because it reminds me of what she was wearing in her picture!

This was donated to our yardsale and I kept it. It is a little worn but I thought it would be comfy on  a long flight 

I found this in the closet and have no idea where it came from. I think it was meant to be an orphanage donation! Just in case it was donated to us for the orphanage, we bought a similar outfit in a smaller size to donate in it's place! 

Last but not least...tylenol...or knock off tylenol. I'll also need to get some benadryl ...

So there it is! I'm also going to pick up a pack of pacifiers...just in case. So what am I forgetting?! I tried really hard to keep it light, and it feels like a lot of stuff...opinions and advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!



  1. That's awesome. She is going to be well taken care of.

  2. I'm soooooo excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear that she's home where she belongs.

    As for the diapers...I guess I'd bring a handful and buy more there.

  3. I'm soooooo excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear that she's home where she belongs.

    As for the diapers...I guess I'd bring a handful and buy more there.

  4. Love this. I'm so glad she liked her taggie, I didn't know that. :) Can't wait to see you with your girl again, and hoping and praying that you get to bring her home with you!
