I'm a married mother of "3 1/2" ;) and the loves of my life are my faith and my family. I've grown in my faith over the last two years since my daughter's adoption, she is the reason why I started this blog in the first place, and I'm so looking forward to watching God move in my heart, and the hearts of others who follow along on our journey towards bringing home one of "the least of these". Special needs adoption is my mission field, whether I'm adopting a child myself, or helping other families get funded, or shouting for waiting children who need families to find them, and I hope you'll come along for the ride and watch what God can accomplish when we say yes to His command to care for the orphan, and go out into the world to be His hands and feet.

Apparent Project Fundraiser

Apparent Project Fundraiser

Hello :)

Hello :)

My Better Half

My Better Half

The Crew

The Crew

The New Guy

The New Guy

Before Adoption

Before Adoption

Two Years After Adoption

Two Years After Adoption

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I had an amazing time in church this morning. I absolutely love my pastor and his wife, they are amazing people and we're blessed to call them our friends. Due to certain people berating and belittling our decision to adopt Natasha, I've been having a lot of doubts lately. Not doubts about adopting her (I'm 100% certain that's what we're meant to do!!) but doubts about my abilities as a mother. Sometimes people can be cruel and someone close to me who doesn't want me to adopt decided to attack me on a very personal level and it was extremely hurtful! I couldn't help but to question myself and whether or not what this person was saying was true.

I was really struggling, then at church this morning my awesome pastor preached a sermon that could have been tailor made for me! We went through the lineage of Jesus and how he had ancestors who weren't the best people in the world...and the question was raised...why would God choose THESE people to be ancestors of the Savior? Why would God not have chosen the best of the best for the lineage of Jesus Christ?

Well, the short answer was this. You don't have to be perfect to fit into God's plan. You can make mistakes and God can still use you. We are all human and no one is perfect. That does NOT mean God doesn't have a plan for us. That does NOT mean that God doesn't have plans for us that are SO MUCH BIGGER than anything we would have ever planned for ourselves.

God doesn't always call the qualified, but God ALWAYS qualifies the called.

Thank you Bro. Bill for your message. I always learn so much from you.

Thank you God for speaking straight to my heart this morning and bringing me peace.


  1. I am so happy you got the peace you were searching for. You are an amazing mama and a wonderful person. Don't doubt yourself. God brought you to this, and he will bring you through it. He doesn't give us anything we can't handle :)
